I have been running the Facebook-Page „Shitstorm* Schnüffler“ since 2012. The most beautiful thing is, that I can not only post about social media firestorms, but that I also get to know other social media firestorm maniacs like Robert Schwerdtner is one. Robert is concerned with online firestorms on the job at Deutsche Telekom and follows […]
Crises & firestorms
Valuable knowledge about online crises: Change management, firestorms, antibranding, identity theft, Google-bombing, brandjacking, Wikipedia-manipulations & mobbing.
What is a Social Media Firestorm? A clear Checklist and Definition
The phenomenon of excessive, rapid discharging protests on social media against brands, organizations or persons has multiple names. Remember the case of Barilla: The massive protest on social media which began with 47,826 mentions on Twitter on the first day and quickly spread internationally across various social media platforms was called a “social media firestorm” by […]
Royal Bank of Scotland: Social Media Crises are like water – they find their way
Cyber Monday stands for the start of Christmas sales in American online Shops. By now it is also celebrated in Europe. Millions of customers virtually bombard the salesmen with purchases. Many of them could not access their accounts to pay yesterday, due to an IT-meltdown at the Royal Bank of Scotland. According to The Guardian there […]